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Amazon Prime ads on movies and TV shows will begin in late January – ET BrandEquity


<p>Amazon Prime Video will show advertisements during movies and TV shows from January 29</p>
Amazon Prime Video will show advertisements during movies and TV shows from January 29

If you are an Amazon Prime Video user, get ready to see ads on movies and TV shows starting next month.

Prime will include ads beginning on Jan. 29, the company said in an email to U.S. members this week, setting a date for an announcement it made back in September. Prime members who want to keep their movies and TV shows ad-free will have to pay an additional $2.99.

Amazon is also planning to include advertisements in its Prime service in the United Kingdom and other European countries, as well as Canada, Mexico and Australia next year.

The tech giant follows other major streamers — such as Netflix and Disney — who have embraced a dual model that allows them to earn revenue from ads and also offer subscribers the option to opt out with a higher fee.

Amazon said in its email that it will “aim to have meaningfully fewer ads” than traditional TV and other streaming providers.

The ads, the company said, “will allow us to continue investing in compelling content and keep increasing that investment over a long period of time.”

Viacom18 looks to monetise rise in viewership in Hindi, Kannada

Having turned around its operations in the Hindi and Kannada markets, Vaz said the network will sharpen focus on the Marathi and Bengali markets through greater investments in producing content in these markets. Viacom18 owns and operates Colors Marathi, Colors Bangla, and Colors Bangla Cinema channels in these two markets.

  • Published On Dec 28, 2023 at 09:40 AM IST

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