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Understanding the psyche of festive India – ET BrandEquity


<p>Representative image</p>
Representative image

In terms of numbers, in 2022, Flipkart’s Big Billion Day sale alone clocked a whopping Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) of $5.5 Billion, against the year round GMV of $25.4 billion. In October 2023, a month ahead of the great Indian festival of Diwali, the sale witnessed a total of 1.4 Billion customer visits in just eight days. Amazon, on its part, promoted its own sale — the “Great Indian Festival 2023”, resulting in 9.5 crore customer visits in just 48 hours, and Amazon Prime members shopping 18x times the average shopping in just the first 24 hours.

Festive seasons are a great way to understand heuristics (mental shortcuts) and the resultant biases in decision making. An understanding of the psyche of the festive buyer helps marketers make the most of the festive season, nudging the consumers to rush out (or online) and shop till they drop during the festive season.

Festive seasons see the playing out of a Social Proof bias — a bias which is based on a trust in others, and where people seek to copy those around them and to conform to a behaviour which is socially acceptable. The best way to make a decision, then, is by looking at decisions of “others”. During festivals, it is the power of social proof which gets people to make purchases irrespective of their needs, since others are doing so. Marketers trigger herd mentality and suggest social proof for their products, both to customers in physical stores and those online. For consumers shopping in a physical format, their decision to purchase may be based on the type of the customers they see checking out the given products. Social proof may be simulated online through emphasizing customer reviews on the website, and saying how many people have liked their product. Marketers use Social Proof in conjunction with Loss Aversion to trigger what is popularly known as FOMO — a Fear of Missing Out. Digital marketers use technology to show people surfing the website how many people have already bought the item, how many currently have the item in their basket, and how many pieces of the product are remaining. Such social proof combined with a Scarcity Bias and loss aversion can elicit a “Fastest Fingers First” for many festive purchases.

Marketers also use an Anchoring Bias, especially during festive seasons, where buyers “anchor” their decisions to an earlier piece of information or a reference point. A high initial price works as the anchor against which consumers evaluate discounts. Anchoring may also be used to reduce the perceived price difference between a regular and a premium option and thus encouraging consumers to upgrade to the premium option. This is done by pricing the regular option above the nearest round number than below. For instance, majority customers (71%) opted for a small coffee priced at $0.95 when faced with a choice between a small coffee ($0.95) and a large one ($1.2). However, when the small coffee cup is priced at $1 and the large one at $1.25, the same $0.25 difference is perceived lesser, and a majority (56%) opted for the larger cup.

Such anchors can also take the form of an “Arbitrary Coherence”, where customers consider anchors, albeit arbitrary, in making decisions. Thus, putting forward statements like “Bigger than ever sale” or “additional 20% off” are proclamations with no specific benchmark of comparison, but the ‘fluffy’ nature of the statement makes them sound exceptional and lucrative to the onboarding consumers.

Aggregator or Direct to Consumer (D2C) websites leverage the Scarcity Bias — a bias which makes rarer products more valuable to the brain — to showcase some products at exceptional discounts as stocked out. This gets consumers in an anxiety mode about missing out on the opportunity to avail of the product at the stated discount. This drives a higher customer click to cart to conversion ratio as it eliminates the “consideration” stage of decision making in their mind.

One of the oldest “tricks” used by marketers is to use the “Endowment Effect” to influence buying decision. Trial rooms or test drives used by retailers in a physical format stores invite customers to take ownership of the product, even if for a short period of time. Easy returns online simulate the same feeling. However, once they possess it, customers may find separation tough and involving a certain mental effort which is best avoided, leading to a permanent ownership.

Marketers may help in reducing post-purchase dissonance or the dreaded “Buyer’s remorse”, by getting consumers to confirm and rationalise their decisions, thus leveraging another common bias , i.e. the Confirmation Bias. They can use a variety of tools including surveys, reviews and testimonials to get them to confirm their choices.

With consumer decision making influenced by several behavioural cues, it pays for marketers to deep dive into the psyche of festive buying, so that the festive season brings cheers and more.

(The author Jayakumar is a professor of finance and economics and executive director at the Centre for Family Business & Entrepreneurship at Bhavan’s SPJIMR. Ralhan is a management trainee and a PGDM alumnus.)

Elevating festive CX: data, technology and successful metrics

Discover how brands improve customer satisfaction, use data for better engagement, and invest in technology to handle the holiday rush. We will also explore how these brands measure their success during the festive season.

  • Published On Nov 7, 2023 at 07:27 AM IST

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